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Front Line Services

Performance management, process and organisation are critical. We carry out reviews to identify opportunities for improvement, and then work with you to change the way you do things, drive cultural change, improve accountability and implement performance improvement programmes including resetting and managing customer expectations.

What do we mean by?

Occupational Therapy Services

We assess your service in terms of customer satisfaction and value for money. Delivering the right levels of service to your customers with limited resources requires innovative ways of working in order to keep waiting lists at a minimum and manage your valuable community equipment in circulation. We assess your working model and transform it to provide more with the same resources.


We can evaluate your fleet requirements in terms of size and profile. We can identify opportunity to rationalise and how service redesign can allow this to happen. We often assess vehicle renewal plans in terms of timing, sourcing options and to meet Environmental aspirations. We also assess and lead change in fleet maintenance strategy and performance of the workshop.

Green space, parks and environment

Our work includes all aspects of grounds, parks and street-scape management, maintenance regimes, income opportunities, development of partnerships, performance improvements, scheduling and organisation in this wide ranging service area.

Waste services & Street services

Our people are skilled operators in all areas of waste collection including re-cycling, green and trade waste and understand the challenges of implementing new protocols. You may also need support establishing effective disposal arrangements or street cleaning routines.


We can support you to make improvements to your cemeteries and crematoria operations and make the best use of the assets at your disposal. Typically this may be from improving your commercial approach or assisting you to seek private investment and support.

Housing Maintenance

We make improvements to front-line maintenance operations through better productivity, purchasing and process. We can also support you in developing your maintenance strategy and assessing the best operating model to meet your requirements.

What do we do?

Improve productivity and performance

Driving performance culture, identifying performance expectations and putting in place the leadership and processes to make it happen.

Restructure and integrate

Re-design of your organisation, spans of control, capabilities and then supporting you to implement through agreement and then all the key steps and protocols.

Adapt policy and redesign specifications

In these times of austerity you may wish to explore adaptation of specifications or policy for service levels, we can outline options for your consideration.

Examine work patterns and schedules

Workforce productivity is driven by effective rosters, resource patterns, use of agency staffing and flexible working. We bring this together into a workforce plan and can deliver these changes for you.

Improve customer and contract management

Adapting process and culture to ensure customers are managed and contract suppliers deliver the best possible value.

Improve procurement

We deliver Innovative procurement initiatives, market engagement and development and ensure that contracts are fit for purpose.

Identify technology and innovation

We are continually working with high performing councils and therefore at the cutting edge of innovation and technology available to support your operations.

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Helping Local Authorities improve the cost and effectiveness of their passenger transport services.

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Front-line services are where most of your cost lies, typically in people, equipment and assets.

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Some activities don’t naturally belong to one Directorate or could be quite dispersed and operating in many separate places across your organisation.

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